
The NGram class extends the Python ‘set’ class with efficient fuzzy search for members by means of an N-gram similarity measure. It also has static methods to compare a pair of strings.

The N-grams are character based not word-based, and the class does not implement a language model, merely searching for members by string similarity.

The documentation and tutorial are on the PyPI package documentation site.


Install python-ngram from PyPI using pip installer:

pip install ngram

It should run on Python 2.6, Python 2.7 and Python 3.2

How does it work?

The set stores arbitrary items, but for non-string items a key function (such as str) must be specified to provide a string represenation. The key function can also be used to normalise string items (e.g. lower-casing) prior to N-gram indexing.

To index a string it pads the string with a specified dummy character, then splits it into overlapping substrings of N (default N=3) characters in length and associates each N-gram to the items that use it.

To find items similar to a query string, it splits the query into N-grams, collects all items sharing at least one N-gram with the query, and ranks the items by score based on the ratio of shared to unshared N-grams between strings.


In 2007, Michel Albert (exhuma) wrote the python-ngram module based on Perl’s String::Trigram module by Tarek Ahmed, and committed the code for 2.0.0b2 to a now-disused Sourceforge subversion repo.

Since late 2008, Graham Poulter has maintained python-ngram, initially refactoring it to build on the set class, and also adding features, documentation, tests, performance improvements and Python 3 support.

Primary development takes place on GitHub, but changes are also pushed to the earlier repo on Google Code.

Release Notes

Version 3.3.0

Released 2012-06-29

  • Correct support for remaining set methods: pop, clear, union, intersection, difference, symmetric_difference

  • Can provide alternate items to the copy method

  • Update license from LGPL to LGPL version 3

  • Revised readme to work with GitHub, PyPI and generated docs.

  • Tox to run all doctests, pass under 2.7 and 3.2

  • Fix unused threshold param in searchitem method

  • Fix intersection_update to accept multiple other iterables

Version 3.2.1

Released 2012-06-28

  • Fix bug in symmetric_difference_update method

  • Update release notes / changelog

  • Update tutorial

Version 3.2.0

Released 2012-06-25

  • “csvjoin” script performs SQL-like join between CSV tables based on string similarity.

  • NGram instances can now be pickled/unpickled (added __reduce__)

  • Add searchitem method to search by item (search method takes a string)

  • Add find and finditem methods to return 1 result instead of a list.

  • iconv parameter is now the “key” parameter (matches the sorted() builtin)

  • qconv parameter no longer exists: use searchitem method to query by item

  • the ngrams_pad method is deprecated for new split and splititem methods

  • the ngrams method is deprecated (equivalent _split is for internal use)

  • Converted Mercurial repo to Git

  • Corrected indentation from 3 to 4 spaces

  • Added tox to run tests on Python 2.7 and 3.2

Version 3.1.0

Released 2009-12-07

  • Python 3 support via 2to3

  • Sphinx documentation generation

  • Tutorial documentation

  • str_item and str_query params are now iconv and qconv

  • Integer division bug (e.g. arises when warp is 2 not 2.0)

  • Setuptools replaced by Distribute (for Python 3)

  • Docstrings now reStructuredText for Sphinx

Version 3.0.0

Released 2009-07-03.

This was a major refactoring without back-compatibility.

  • Accepts any hashable item - no longer limited to strings.

  • Re-written as subclass of set, gaining all set operations.

  • Docstrings added. Using Epydoc API doc generator.

  • Eliminated innermost level of dictionaries, reducing memory usage.

  • Revised to use Python 2.6 idioms. Losing Python 2.2 compatibility.

  • Renamed things to follow PEP 8

  • Refactored the NGram class (new method decomposition)

Version 2.0.0b2

Released 2007-10-23.

This was the code committed to Subversion by Exhuma.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>

Indices and tables